Penis Enlargement by Injection vs Open Surgery
20 Powerful Reasons Injections are Better for Penis Enlargement!
In recent years, Dr Kim has recommended injections for penis augmentation instead of open surgery and almost all Korean men agree and choose it — up to 80% in 2013 and swiftely trending towards 100%.

There are more than 20 key factors to use when trying to compare, evaluate and organize penile girth enhancement in order of good, better and best procedure:
- excellent safety
- very low rate of complications
- very minor complications, if any
- minimal risk
- minimal pain and discomfort
- no cutting and no bleeding (injection instead of incisions and open surgery)
- no scarring
- local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, sedatives or epidurals
- short treatment time (minutes instead of hours)
- effectiveness (a good result: substantial and long-lasting size gains)
- significantly less edema than other fillers such as PLGA
- affordable with wide range of price options to fit any budget
- good value for money
- swift post-op recovery
- simple & easy post-op physiotherapy
- fastest return to sexual activity
- a high rate of patient satisfaction
- permanent increase in penile volume (penis girth)
- repeatable for cumulative penis enlargement
- Korean FDA approved.
In recent years, despite being a urological surgeon, Dr Kim has been convinced that size enhancement by injection is significantly more advisable than procedures that require open surgery.
In 2012-2013, Dr Kim rated HA filler injections as the most preferred choice and his top suggestion.

But since 2014, MegaFill tissue engineering has become his #1 recommendation.
Penis Enlargement using 21 ml of MegaFill costs US$3200.
We are totally transparent about costs and all our prices are published: PRICE LIST.
For injectable penis enlargement, Dr Kim recommends at least a 3-day visit for volume increases of not more than about 35-40 ml.
Men wanting to maximize their gain in a single visit to Seoul, often get much more MegaFill, sometimes up to 70 ml (or more) — as much as their penile skin and skin elasticity allow.
For volume increases over 35 ml, the MegaFill should be divided between two injection sessions 4-7 days apart. And the person should stay at least 10 days in Seoul for close medical supervision by Dr Kim to ensure an excellent result.
It is possible to get treatment, then head straight to the airport. But that is very inadvisable.
What Remains the Same?
- Dr Kim's goal is always the best possible result for the patient.
- That requires him to use his vast experience and knowledge to carefully weigh all factors (the above list of 16) in order to reach his medical opinion.
- All surgery involves risk. Some complications are inevitable. And it is impossible to please everyone. But we give our best effort.
- The doctor informs, advises and gives his expert opinion. Patients make the decisions.
- The doctor is careful, concerned, cautious and practices a level of diligence much higher than the bare minimum.
- “Filler” simply fills an area. It may or may not be biodegradable. Many fillers are terrible ideas. Some cause scarring instead of good tissue. The ONLY filler currently recommended by Dr Kim is Cutegel ULTRA.
- In penile girth enhancement, a “scaffold” has the same meaning as in building construction — it is a temporarily structure within which a permanent structure can be built.
- In medical use, a scaffold is gradually and steadily dismantled or replaced by the body until the only thing (or main thing) that remains is the person's own living, permanent tissue.
- Allogenic tissue transplants create permanent size gains because new tissue is created.
What is Old?
- Medical doctors have been using organ and allogenic tissue transplants between genetically different people since 1682 — more than 300 years.
- One of the most familiar and accepted examples of this are blood banks and blood transfusions which have been around since 1937.
- Transplants from deceased donors have been used by surgeons since 1908 — more than 100 years.
- The best injection penis enlargement or surgical penis enlargement uses a scaffold to create a structure that gives the body time to convert the scaffold into the person's own living tissue comprised of the person's own cells and with it's own blood vessels and blood supply — just like any other tissue in the person's body.
- Dr Kim recommends staying 2-3 days after any type of enlargement by injection.
What's New?
- MegaFill is a new product of the organ donor programs.
- MegaFill is a micronized format for tissue transplants. (Not the first and not the newest but the best.)
- E-beam sterilization of MegaFill donor tissue eliminates the need to use both:
- EO gas which leaves chemical residues resulting in inflammation and tissue death; and
- gamma rays which destroy valuable collagen;
- MegaFill is a specific allodermic brand of product. MegaFill is the reason the procedure works so well. Other brands of similar products produce inferior and unacceptable results. As with cars, watches, food — all products in a category are NOT the same.
What Changed?
Despite the good features of allogenic material in the past, the micronized format of all brands (except MegaFill) got unsatisfactory results — VERY unlike the allograft sheets being used worldwide which are comprised of the exact same type of allogenic dermal tissue.
The manufacturers of MegaFill created a superior product and it is now the only brand of this type of product we use. He does not use BellaDerm or any other product. They are not equal.
Dr Kim also has proprietary ways to prepare MegaFill solutions for use. He customizes the formula every time for each patient.
Micronized solid MegaFill cannot be injected by itself. Pain killers, antibiotics and other ingredients are used.
Surgeons call these confidential and proprietary medical secrets “Tips & Tricks”.
The world's top surgeons, such as the late Sava Perovic, all have a large bag full of “Tips & Tricks” which make the surgical results consistently much better than those of colleagues.
Dr Kim's new “Tips & Tricks” for using micronized allogenic tissue have enabled MegaFill to surpass all other methods of penis enlargement when the “16 Powerful Reasons Injections are Better” are considered.
All these things are the reasons Dr Kim is very pleased about MegaFill and permanent penis enlargement by injection.